פרויקט העצמה בשילוב פצועי צה"ל
"Together for Them" project established by El Ami - El Atzmi non profit organization
POB 747, Hod Hasharon, ISRAEL
Bringing wounded IDF combat veterans to schools and Jewish communities, enabling them to tell their inspiring stories.
Connecting Jewish youth to the IDF
Israeli Heroes
We call it : playducation
The idea is to play with knowledge and not just learn it.
The game is challenging and incorporates elements of an escape room which increases the curiosity of the student.
It accompanies the special story of Doron Levinson a member and one of the initiators of "Together for Them" project.
The story is built step by step when there are three screens to go through.
Along the way, students learn about the modern history of Israel, from the terrorist attack in Munich Olympics through the Yom Kippur War to the rehabilitation room at the hospital.
The game includes 3 screens
An amazing story about a gun that used by a Nazi officer, moved to a terrorist in Lebanon and today is at Yad Vashem. On values and their realization, on the power of prayer in battle, on a sentence that Doron's father said and outlines for him a way to life. And more surprises.
Rehibalitation Room in hospital screen
Yom Kippur War screen
The course of the war - the surprise, the fear of national disaster, the recovery, the victory. Accompanied by knowledge games and learning about the balance of power, the main characters, the battle map and more.
Munich massacre screen
General knowledge of each athlete, the calendar of events from the moment the terrorists took over the room through the negotiations to the explosion of the helicopters following a failed German takeover attempt.
All while playing with a timer, finding clues, reading material, searching , adjusting events on a timeline, a memory game, and more.
A challenging and enriching experience that opens the door to learning and talking about the State of Israel, its struggle for independence, values and the personal price of soldiers and civilians.
Leading values
Love of Israel – Faith – Gratitude – partnership
Ahavat Israel - the inner force that drives the program and the wounded of the IDF, who take part in it. Love that does not depend on the people of Israel and its state - "Kol Israel Arevim Ze La-Ze".
Faith - "Hope is an act of faith". - Belief in human life, in the life of the nation, in the long-standing Jewish tradition. Belief in the inner strengths of each one breeds optimism and a positive attitude towards life. "Faith is taking the first step even when you do not see the big picture".
Gratitude - Seeing the good as a key component in life. To give thanks for what is and strive to win all the time out of a desire to increase the good in the world. See constantly the half full glass and from it, strive to fill the other half. "Modde Ani" before "Ani Modde".
Partnership - A worldview in which a person sees himself as taking part in processes and not as standing aside.
A deep understanding that partnering with the talents and abilities which are scattered around the world can lead to greater perfection. "Two are better than one".