פרויקט העצמה בשילוב פצועי צה"ל
"Together for Them" project established by El Ami - El Atzmi non profit organization
POB 747, Hod Hasharon, ISRAEL
Bringing wounded IDF combat veterans to schools and Jewish communities, enabling them to tell their inspiring stories.
To Strengthen Jewish values
This is us!
The El-Ami "Together For Them" project strengthens the Jewish-Zionist identity among Jewish Youth by Empowering IDF Wounded Soldiers to lead by example through local workshops and community events in Israel and the diaspora.
:The purpose
To raise awareness towards the wounded IDF veterans and their heroic stories.
To acknowledge and be inspired by the process of overcoming difficulties and disabilities and succeeding in life despite injuries.
Strengthen the bonds with the diaspora by establishing a long-term program that deepens the understanding of Jewish values and heritage, and the importance of defending Israel.
"Together for Them"
The project operates 2 programs:
TOGETHER FOR THEM abroad: wounded soldiers' delegations visit with major Jewish communities (currently active in Mexico City, NY and LA area) to strengthen the bonds between the Jewish communities and the State of Israel through activities with IDF wounded soldiers serving as the program's ambassadors.
TOGETHER FOR THEM ISRAEL: a comprehensive educational program in high schools and pre-military preparatory schools in Israel, led by IDF wounded soldiers from combat units. They serve as mentors, sharing their inspiring personal stories and leading by example.
The heart of the program :
The wounded soldiers in the IDF are the living embodiment of Jewish values and the human contribution to the State of Israel and its legacy. These are people who contributed and were physically and mentally injured in the line of duty, people who used to protect and help others, now find themselves on the receiving side, needing help themselves.
The goal of the program is two-fold: to connect Jewish youth to Israel and its legacy by empowering these brave soldiers to serve as mentors and to share their personal journey of struggle, hardship and ultimate strength.
As part of the program, the wounded soldiers are given the opportunity to tell their own story in an interactive setting. Their stories range from battles defending the country to the ongoing journey of rehabilitation and overcoming the physical disabilities and mental difficulties. These are awe-inspiring stories, intertwined with values of leadership, resourcefulness, optimism, and Zionism.
These are stories of victories of the spirit over matter.
The connection that is forged between them and the community, and especially between them and the youth, provide a unique window to learn and connect to the state of Israel and give the IDF wounded soldiers the opportunity to share their vast experience and see for themselves the true power in their own personal stories.
Brigadier General (res.) Avigdor Kahalani received the Medal of Distinguished Service for his service during the Six-Day War, the highest Israeli military decoration; the Medal of Valor after the Yom Kippur War, and is the recipient of the President’s Medal of Distinction, the highest civilian honor. He was a former cabinet minister and is a social activist.
Avigdor is one of the initiators of the “Together for Them” program and serves as "Together for Them" ambassador. He takes an active part in lectures in Israel and around the world. His worldview, which sees enormous importance in continuing to raise the flag and passing it on to the younger generation, is in fact the core of the program. His book “Leadership in the Circles of Life,” accompanies the program and is a source of inspiration for the content delivered in it.
Avigdor Kahalani
ambassador of "Together for Them"
Iron Swords
supporting the heroes
TOGETHER FOR THEM project are active with supporting the wounded soldiers and raising the public spirit. We are visiting wounded soldiers in the hospitals, bringing them gifts and thank them and encourage them.
We are also bringing wounded soldiers from our project to speak and encourage and share their own experience and promise them that they will be better and that they will be happy and productive and successful very soon, just need to work hard, to believe in themselves and never give up.
We are also sending a daily inspirational and empowering quotes from the BIBLE and other Jewish leaders throughout history to a wide range of people.
As part of the "Together for Them" project, we produce for each IDF wounded person a short personal film (5-7 minutes) that describes special moments in the injury, rehabilitation and life after the injury. The films are an original and fascinating documentary source.
The film serves the wounded as a basis for their lecture and also constitutes an exciting "personal documentation" for the benefit of the wounded and his family. Educators use these films to convey content to their students.
Our goal in this special project: "hundred for hundred" - to produce 100 films for 100 IDF wounded soldiers.
Hundred for Hundred - Personal Documentation
Leading values
Love of Israel – Faith – Gratitude – partnership
Ahavat Israel - the inner force that drives the program and the wounded of the IDF, who take part in it. Love that does not depend on the people of Israel and its state - "Kol Israel Arevim Ze La-Ze".
Faith - "Hope is an act of faith". - Belief in human life, in the life of the nation, in the long-standing Jewish tradition. Belief in the inner strengths of each one breeds optimism and a positive attitude towards life. "Faith is taking the first step even when you do not see the big picture".
Gratitude - Seeing the good as a key component in life. To give thanks for what is and strive to win all the time out of a desire to increase the good in the world. See constantly the half full glass and from it, strive to fill the other half. "Modde Ani" before "Ani Modde".
Partnership - A worldview in which a person sees himself as taking part in processes and not as standing aside.
A deep understanding that partnering with the talents and abilities which are scattered around the world can lead to greater perfection. "Two are better than one".
אהבת ישראל - אמונה
הכרת הטוב - שותפות
ערכים מובילים
אהבת ישראל - הכח הפנימי המניע את התכנית ואת פצועי צה"ל, שלוקחים בו חלק. אהבה שאינה תלויה בדבר בעם ישראל ובמדינתו - "כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה".
אמונה - "התקווה היא מעשה של אמונה". - אמונה בחיי האדם, בחיי האומה, במסורת היהודית רבת השנים. אמונה בכוחות הפנימיים שבכל אחד המולידה אופטימיות וגישה חיובית לחיים "אמונה היא לעשות את הצעד הראשון גם כשאינך רואה את התמונה הגדולה".
הכרת הטוב - ראיית הטוב כמרכיב מרכזי בחיים. להודות על מה שיש ולשאוף לנצח כל הזמן מתוך רצון להגביר את הטוב בעולם. לראות כל הזמן את חצי הכוס המלאה ומתוכה לשאוף למלא את החצי השני. "מודה אני" לפני "אני מודה".
שותפות - תפיסת עולם שבמסגרתה רואה האדם את עצמו כלוקח חלק בתהליכים ולא כעומד מהצד.
הבנה עמוקה שהכישרונות מפוזרים הם בעולם והשותפות הינה ערך המוביל לשלמות גדולה יותר. "טובים השניים מן האחד"